Tuesday 25 March 2014

Interviu despre camere de injectare cu Alina Dumitriu

 DCRs Expert Interview Series; Nume: Alina Dumitriu; director executiv Asociatia SENS POZITIV

1.Care este parerea dumneavoastra despre camerele de injectare?
"Cred ca odata cu introducerea camerelor de injectare, numarul cazurilor de supradoza ar scadea considerabil, la fel cazurile de infectii cutanate sau de folosire in comun a echipamentului de injectare. De asemenea, daca acestea ar avea in cadrul personalului si un medic, acesta ar putea face evaluari ale sanataii clientilor si i-ar putea referi catre alte servicii medicale, reducand astfel numarul pacientilor late-presenteri, cu afectiuni in stadii avansate, mult mai greu sau chiar imposibil de tratat."

2.Credeti ca ar fi utile camerele de injectare pentru consumatorii de droguri? (Detaliati…)
"Cred ca sunt un lucru absolut necesar, tinand cont ca Romania are un numar mare de consumatori activi de heroina si de droguri legale."

3.Din punctul dumneavoastra de vedere, ce probleme ar putea rezolva camerele de injectare?
"Ar fi un mediu steril in care clientii si-ar putea injecta droguri, un mediu safe din toate punctele de vedere. Echipele multidisciplinare ar putea oferi abordari complexe, din punct psiho-medico-social; clientii ar putea beneficia de echipament steril de injectare, asistenta medicala, tratament pentru supradoza, etc"

4.In ce zona a Bucurestiului credeti ca ar trebui amplasat un astfel de spatiu?
"In zonele in care doresc clientii, zone cu consum crescut… zone in care se stie ca se consuma (un client amintea “sub pasajul Obor” de exemplu). Poate in apropierea altor centre ale caror servicii sunt accesate de CDI."

5.Cum credeti ca ar fi perceputa o camera de injectare, de locuitorii zonei unde aceasta ar fi amplasata?
"Cred ca nu ar trebui sa constituie o problema pentru cei care locuiesc in jur. Atata timp cat “Camera de injectare” are reguli clare si li se impun limite de conduita clientilor – nu au voie sa stationeze in fata centrului, nu au voie sa arunce gunoaie (in nici un caz sa iasa cu materiale de injectare folosite, cum ar fi seringi cu resturi de marfa pastrata pentru mai tarziu…), sa nu faca galagie in jurul locatiei, etc. Eu nu cred ca ar fi probleme cu locuitorii din jur. Plus ca s-ar putea alege un loc in care sa se amplaseze “camera de injectare” in care clientii sa nu interfereze cu lumea din jur – asta pentru a evita orice fel de problema."

Photo source: www.bbc.co.uk

6.Cine ar trebui sa suporte costurile pentru deschiderea unei camere de injectare?
"Autoritatile, bineinteles, asa ar fi ideal. Daca nu se poate, orice proiect in care s-ar putea integra acest serviciu."

7.Care sunt factorii care impiedica in momentul de fata,dezvoltare aacestui tip de serviciu?
"Cred ca legislatia este primul factor – atata timp cat nu ii percepem pe CDI ca si bolnavi cronici si mai si pedepsim consumul si detinerea, nu cred ca ar fi posibila crearea unui astfel de serviciu. Poate doar daca am semna un accord cu autoritatile…
Lipsa fondurilor!
Alte piedici nu vad…"

TalkingDrugs: The need to regulate cannabis cultivation

The UK faces two major problems in relation to illegal cannabis cultivation. Could regulation kill two birds with one stone?

More on:

Monday 24 March 2014

Interviu despre camere de injectare cu Valentin Simionov (RHRN)

DCRs Expert Interview Series; Nume: Valentin Simionov; director executiv Romanian Harm Reduction Network (RHRN)

1.Care este parerea dumneavoastra despre camerele de injectare?
"Camerele de injectare sunt o modalitate eficienta si demonstrate stiintific de a reduce consecintele negative ale consumului de droguri injectabile. "

2.Credeti ca ar fi utile camerele de injectare pentru consumatorii de droguri? (Detaliati…)
"Consumatorii de droguri injectabile ar fi primii beneficiari ai acestei masuri. Din acest punct de vederea camerele de injectare cresc calitatea si durata vietii consumatorilor, alaturi de sansele de reinsertie sociala ulterior depasirii consumului problematic, deoarece o persoana sanatoasa sau cu mai putine problem medicale are sanse mai mari de reintegrare profesionala"

3.Din punctul dumneavoastra de vedere, ce probleme  ar putea rezolva camerele de injectare?
"Avantajele acestei abordari sunt cresterea sigurantei injectarii, ceea ce determina reducerea ritmului de degradare fizica a consumatorilor, reducerea riscului de infectare si transmitere pe cale sanguine a HIV, virusilor hapatitici etc., si reducerea supradozelor."

4.In ce zona a Bucurestiului credeti ca ar trebui amplasat un astfel de spatiu?
"In zonele cu un numar mare de consumatori problematici: Ferentari (Valtoarei), Piata Rahova, Gara de Nord – Grivitei."

Photo source: www.dailymail.co.uk
5.Cum credeti ca ar fi perceputa o camera de injectare, de locuitorii zonei unde aceasta ar fi amplasata?
"Initial ar fi un scandal care ar creste odata ce presa va prelua subiectul. De aceea este necesar sprijinul autoritatilor si al unor persoane publice (inclusiv personalitati religioase) care sa explice opiniei publice utilitatea acestei masuri. Scandalul este inevitabil, insa ar fi considerabil redus de o dezbatere publica bine gestionata. Din pacate este posibil sa nu avem cultura dezbaterilor corecte. In acest caz este posibil sa domine falsele argumente concentrate pe o perceptie stigmatizanta a consumatorilor de droguri. Cu siguranta, in prima faza s-ar discuta despre promovarea consumului de droguri, ignorandu-se beneficiile concrete. Pe de alta parte ar fi o buna ocazie pentru a educa opinia publica cu privire la masurile ce dau rezultate in reducerea riscurilor si in protectia sanatatii publice."

6.Cine ar trebui sa suporte costurile pentru deschiderea unei camere de injectare?
"Ca si in cazul tuturor serviciilor adresate persoanelor vulnerabile, costurile unui astfel de serviciu ar trebui suportat din fonduri publice, mai precis de autoritatile publice locale."

7.Care sunt factorii care impiedica in momentul de fata, dezvoltarea acestui tip de serviciu?
"In primul rand lipsa de capacitate a institutiilor publice de a gestiona problemele comunitatii. Aceste probleme sunt atat de multe si atat de grave incat cu greu pot fi prioritizate, motiv pentru care sustinerea deschiderii unei sali de injectare este dificila: atat timp cat nu s-au gasit solutii pentru subiecte cu mare acceptare din partea opiniei publice – copii abandonati, serviciile pentru persoane varstnice etc. -  este greu de crezut ca vreo autoritate, publica sau locala isi va risca si asa dubitabilul capital de imagine pentru a sustine o masura atat de controversata. Cu toate acestea este necesara initierea discutiilor pe acest subiect."

Friday 7 March 2014

Which drugs are the most addictive?

Photo: www.telegraph.co.uk
 This is a difficult question to answer because it depends upon a lot of factors in both the drug and the person who uses it. In an attempt to define clearly what is meant by addiction, and which drugs are the most addictive, Dr. Jack E. Henningfield of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and Dr. Neal L. Benowitz of the University of California at San Francisco ranked six psychoactive substances on five criteria.
  • Withdrawal -- The severity of withdrawal symptoms produced by stopping the use of the drug.
  • Reinforcement -- The drug's tendency to induce users to take it again and again.
  • Tolerance -- The user's need to have ever-increasing doses to get the same effect.
  • Dependence -- The difficulty in quitting, or staying off the drug, the number of users who eventually become dependent
  • Intoxication -- The degree of intoxication produced by the drug in typical use.
The tables listed below show the rankings given for each of the drugs. Overall, their evaluations for the drugs are very consistent. It is notable that marijuana ranks below caffeine in most addictive criteria, while alcohol and tobacco are near the top of the scale in many areas.
The rating scale is from 1 to 6. 1 denotes the drug with the strongest addictive tendencies, while 6 denotes the drug with the least addictive tendencies.

Substance   Withdrawal   Reinforcement   Tolerance   Dependence  Intoxication
Nicotine         3             4             2           1            5

Heroin           2             2             1           2            2

Cocaine          4             1             4           3            3

Alcohol          1             3             3           4            1

Caffeine         5             6             5           5            6

Marijuana        6             5             6           6            4


Substance   Withdrawal   Reinforcement   Tolerance   Dependence  Intoxication

Nicotine        3*             4             4           1            6

Heroin           2             2             2           2            2

Cocaine         3*             1             1           3            3

Alcohol          1             3             4           4            1

Caffeine         4             5             3           5            5

Marijuana        5             6             5           6            4

*equal ratings

Source: http://druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/basicfax5.htm

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Drug consumption rooms, a service to curb the HIV epidemic in Romania!

In this moment, Romania is facing a new epidemiological wave of HIV infections.   If in 2008 there were just three confirmed cases with HIV infection, in 2012 there were 237 new, confirmed cases (Ref:  National Institute of Infectious Diseases, “Prof.Dr.M.Bals”).

In September 2012, the Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation, in collaboration with the National Antidrug Agency and the Carusel Association performed a Behaviour Surveillance Study among injecting drug users in Bucharest and Ilfov, Romania. Out of 417 participants tested with rapid test in this study 52,5% were positive  to HIV, 85% with Hepatitis C virus, and 20 % with Hepatitis B virus  (National Anti-Drug Agency, Report for 2013).

Injecting drugs in public areas increases the risk of infections with different bacterias. Another major risk that drug users have when they are using drug in public places is the lack of sterile injecting equipment, therefore they have a big risk of getting infected with HIV, HVC and HVB. Drug consumption rooms could play an important role in preventing the risks associated with the use of drugs.

Definition of DCRs:
Drug consumption rooms (DCRs) have been defined as: “protected places for the hygienic consumption of preobtained drugs in a non-judgemental environment and under the supervision of trained staff”. (EMCDDA: Azkept, 2000, p.8).

In Romania there are „illegal drug consumption rooms” (such as an apartment) where drug users gather to inject themselves.  These „drug-user houses” are not sanitary enough for drug-using.  The walls are dirty, blackened with smoke, spray-painted, the floors filthy and bug-ridden. Some rooms don't have windows, and due to the common conflicts that arise in these places, a good part of the apartment, furniture and goods (such as electrical items and appliances and household furnishings) are damaged or destroyed.

In general, drug-users who inject themselves in public spaces don't have access to social services or medical treatment and are marginalized. Following an analysis of the daily files of Caracuda Ferentari center of the Carusel Association, a part of the drug users have double or triple risk exposure:
Ex 1:
Ex 2:
IDU + roma
Ex 3:
IDU + roma + SW
Ex 5:
IDU + H + roma
 IDU – injecting drug user; H – homeless;  SW – sex worker

Drug users injecting in non-sanitary mediums are more exposed to risks such as blood clots, pulmonary embolism and bacterial endocarditis. Also the risk of infection with HIV or HVC or HVB is higher due to the lack of sterile injecting equipment.  Injections in public spaces such as parks, trains, parking garages, waste management areas, stairways, etc. is a problem of public health: used syringes thrown away on the street

An effective method to prevent all the risk mentioned above , „drug consumption rooms” could be an efficient method to lower the risks associated with injecting drug use among  young drug users. For the problems which drug users face: discrimination, lack of treatment, police harassment, the risks associated with drug use ( overdose, infections with HIV, HVC, HVB,  blood clots, pulmonary embolism, bacterial endocarditis, etc.), drug consumption rooms could be the solution to reduce these risks. A bridge could be created between the drug-users and other medical/social services; beneficiaries of these services would have a lot to gain.

Unhygienic public space where drug users are injecting - Ferentari neighborhood, Bucharest, Romania, Photo source: C.T. Din
« According to the report launched on World Antidrug Day (June 23), the cost for HIV treatment for one person is about 500 euros per month, while the cost for distributing disposable syringes  is about 450 per year. (Report: „Estimating the costs for the anti-drug policies in Romania”)  From the drug consumption rooms would benefit not only the drug users, but also the local community, this being a win-win situation.  Furthermore, the authorities would win, since it is cheaper to invest in a medical service for prevention than one for treatment afterwards.


Drug consumption rooms at this time  is not sufficiently documented in Romania but in order to establish this service to reduce the HIV epidemic among young drug users, the first step would be to modify law 143/2000.

 Article 5 „Putting in function, with foreknowledge, under any name, of any place, abode or any other furnished place, to which the public has access, for the use of illicit drugs or allowing the illicit use in such a place is punishable with imprisonment for three to ten years and restricting certain rights,” must be modified, so a place like a drug consumption room can function legally.
In article 4, “1) The growth, production, fabrication, experimentation, purchase or possession of drugs labelled risky, for personal use, without right, is punishable by imprisonment for six months to two years or a fine.
                (2) If the facts pertaining to (1) regard drugs labelled of great risk, the punishment is imprisonment for two to five years. “  adjustments to the articles can be made, such as to allow the possession of a certain quantity of drugs (similar to countries such as  Czech Republic, Portugal, Holland, etc. ). If this article would be modified, there wouldn't be any more abuses from the police amongst drug users.
Furthermore, at this time this law has severe consequences upon users of illegal substances, for example the police record will prevent the subject from being able to find a job after serving the incarceration, thus he/she will be forced to look for work outside the legal boundaries, which puts him/her in a vicious circle.

In order to have interventions and services for injecting drug users to face the new situation (a new epidemiological wave of HIV infections among injecting drug users), which would contribute to the reduction of the risks associated with the use of drugs, I consider it is necessary to start discussions for the modification of law 143/2000, with soliciting and  information campaigns on this subject, such that in the future the establishment and functioning of drug consumption rooms may be possible in Romania, as soon as possible.

More on: 
Crina Teodora Din, The Role of Drug Consumption Rooms in HIV Prevention, Revista de Asistenţă Socială, Numar: 1, 2014.