Sunday 5 January 2014

Interview with INSITE - Monika Stein on DCRs

DCRs Expert Interview Series; Monika Stein-Manager, HIV AIDS & Harm Reduction Programs (InSite, OnSite, CTCT, PSS) - Vancouver Coastal Health

1.What is your opinion on drug consumption rooms? 
"They are a crucial initiative in providing health care  for injection drug users"

2.Do you think that drug consumption rooms are helpful for drug users? (Please detail…)
"Yes, in that they can prevent overdose death, provide harm reduction education for drug users, connect drug users to needed health care services, reduce the spread of blood borne disease such as HIV/HCV and other illness."

3.Please specify what problems could be solved by drug consumption rooms.
"As well as items listed in question 2, drug consumption rooms serve to mitigate the marginalization of drug users, provide them with needed health care related to their drug use and beyond, and can serve as a bridge to other health and social services including housing, counseling, detox and treatment."

4.In which area of the city do you think should be located such a place?
"Where drug users can easily access it."
5.What perception would the community have on a drug consumption room in their area of living?   "Community education will help people understand the benefits of a consumption room in their neighborhood.  If the consumption room is where drug users can easily access it, then the drug use will likely be currently out on the street, in everyone’s view.  A consumption room can increase public order around public drug use."

6.Who should support the costs to open a drug consumption room? 
"Government health authority."

7.From your experience, what were the obstacles in developing such a service.
" There is a great deal of prejudice and fear around drug users – people often think that addiction is more a   choice than it is an illness or mental health issue.  There is a great deal of demonization of the drug user and of addiction in general.  This leads to an anti-harm reduction stance.    People are afraid that providing harm reduction services like needle exchange or consumption rooms will create more addicts and drug use."

Photo source: Plateforme Mondiale SCMR - Global Platform DCR

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